7 Empowering Chris Gardner Quotes

7 Empowering Chris Gardner Quotes


“I Was Homeless but I Wasn’t Hopeless. I Knew a Better Day Was Coming.”

“I Was Homeless but I Wasn’t Hopeless. I Knew a Better Day Was Coming.”


“Don’t ever let someone tell you, you can’t do something. Not even me.” 

“Don’t ever let someone tell you, you can’t do something. Not even me.” 


“You got a dream you got to protect it.”

“You got a dream you got to protect it.”


“The world is your oyster. It’s up to you to find the pearls.”

“The world is your oyster. It’s up to you to find the pearls.”


“It can be done but you have to make it happen.” 

“It can be done but you have to make it happen.” 


“If You Believe You Can Do It, You Will.”

“If You Believe You Can Do It, You Will.”


“Start Where You Are.”

“Start Where You Are.”

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