The Inspiring Success Story of Disney

With 26 Academy Awards and more, Walt Disney created an organization that entertains children and inspires adults, too. Let’s have a look at how it was made.

Before creating the beloved Mickey Mouse, Walt Disney drew a horse for a township doctor at age 4. He was a daydreamer.

Childhood Inspiration

Childhood Inspiration


Even in childhood, Walt Disney was very energetic and passionate about work - he used to sell snacks and newspapers on the railway road.




The Walt Disney Company is not the result of a single person. Roy, Walt’s brother, established the company together.




Both Roy and Walt had a very good routine. They used to wake up at 04:30 to distribute the newspaper and then go to school.




Before the Disney company, Walt was fired. He had a failed business and worked on multiple projects, growing him as an artist.

Loss and Struggle

Loss and Struggle


Despite all this, Walt and Roy somehow managed to build an empire that’s now 169.16 billion USD, Market Capitalisation

How to Do Something or Anything?

White Dotted Arrow
White Dotted Arrow

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