The Inspiring Success Story of Google

Google is one of the top technology companies in the world. Well, there has to be a story behind it. Let’s find out.

From early days, Larry Page wanted to be an entrepreneur and invent something. At age 12, he decided he’ll be a businessman in the future.

Childhood Dream

Childhood Dream


To build the early model of Google, both Sergey and Page worked day and night for 4 years. They succeeded in September 1996.

Hard Work

Hard Work


What we know today as Google, but before that it was PageRank, then BackRub. And eventually got its final name from googol.

It Was Not Google

It Was Not Google


Garages are great, just like Apple… Google too was founded in a garage. The owner of the garage was the former CEO of YouTube - Susan Wojcicki.

Started In The Garage

Started In The Garage


Both Larry and Sergey wanted to focus on their education at Stanford University. So, they tried to sell Google to Yahoo, but Yahoo rejected.

Yahoo’s Misfortune

Yahoo’s Misfortune


The worth of Google is now 1.16 trillion USD whereas Yahoo! Stands at 7.0 billion USD. Thus, a significant misfortune for Yahoo!.

How to Do Something or Anything?

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White Dotted Arrow

I Don’t Know What To Do With My Life – Yes You Do