Learn from John F. Kennedy to Be a Good Leader

As a young President of the United States, it was hard for Kennedy to lead the nation. But despite many odds, he did great. Let’s find out how he did that.

Knowing goals is the role of a leader. JFK made hard tasks look achievable. “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things. Not because they are easy…

Set Goals

Set Goals


Kennedy appreciated Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X's fight for black rights. He voiced his support, "privileges for all."

Know What’s Right

Know What’s Right


JFK was a prolific speaker. He knew how to speak, when to and what to. His first impression was the same as his last. His words remained in people's minds even after he left.

Consistent Impression

Consistent Impression


To win, you need to adapt to change. In 1960, radio listeners believed Nixon had won the debate. Those who saw it on TV thought Kennedy won. And Kennedy won.

Change When Needed

Change When Needed


John F. Kennedy was an avid reader throughout his life. Books helped me gain knowledge & lead the nation with confidence. He believed reading as an essential part.

Never Stop Reading

Never Stop Reading


How to Do Something or Anything?

White Dotted Arrow
White Dotted Arrow

I Don’t Know What To Do With My Life – Yes You Do