Lessons from Abraham Lincoln’s Life to Succeed Against Odds

Abraham Lincoln led the U.S. through a difficult time. Here are some of his most meaningful and influential lessons we can all use to make lasting changes in our lives.

Lincoln believed in trying something new because we don't know where we can be good without trying something. Take a page from Lincoln and learn a new skill.

Try Something New

Try Something New


If you don't finish today's task today, then tomorrow's task will become a burden for the next tomorrow. That's what Lincoln believed.

Leave Nothing for Tomorrow

Leave Nothing for Tomorrow


Lincoln grew up doing farm work. He studied in his free time. He used books from his stepmother, neighbours, and teachers to build his homeschool.

Learn On Your Own

Learn On Your Own


Before becoming President, Lincoln had several unsuccessful careers. But remained patient and learned from each failure to succeed later in life.

Be Patient

Be Patient


If you're not different, you'll be treated like the rest. Lincoln was honest, stood up to his critics and stuck by his beliefs. He was ridiculed, yet became President.

Be Different

Be Different


How to Do Something or Anything?

White Dotted Arrow
White Dotted Arrow

I Don’t Know What To Do With My Life – Yes You Do