10 Key Lessons to Learn From Atomic Habits

10 Key Lessons to Learn From Atomic Habits 

People often try to take bigger steps than usual. In most cases, this leads to failure. Small improvements in life only enhance your personality and your habits.

Make 1% Progress Every Day

Make 1% Progress Every Day


Imagine starting to walk for 10 minutes each day. Although your body and health won't immediately improve, this will happen over time.

Big Changes Come From Small Steps

Big Changes Come From Small Steps


For the purpose of regularizing your habit, reward yourself with whatever you like as soon as the goal is achieved.

Reward Yourself

Reward Yourself


Nothing will happen in a day, consistency is essential to solidify a good habit. You will need to put in a little effort each day.

Consistency Is Important

Consistency Is Important


It is necessary to have a routine list for the regularity of habits. Due to which your mind will stay away from useless things and you will be focused and do your work.

Make To Do List

Make To Do List


If there is no progress in your work, then you should consider whether you are pretending to make a habit or you are suffering from mental stress.

Measure Your Progress

Measure Your Progress


No goal is achieved without regularity and patience. And patience and regularity is important in building a habit.

Habit Important Than Any Goal

Habit Important Than Any Goal


Doing something small consistently is more sustainable than doing something big inconsistently. It is better to read two pages per day than ten pages per month.

Something Is Better Than Nothing

Something Is Better Than Nothing


To mold a good habit into your lifestyle, it is very important to repeat the habit. Make a list and repeat the habit daily for 30 days.

Need to Repeat the Habit

Need to Repeat the Habit


It takes 30 days to quit or adopt each habit, so never do anything together, don't show maturity in any new work, it is not necessary.

Perfection Is Not Necessary

Perfection Is Not Necessary


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White Dotted Arrow

I Don’t Know What To Do With My Life – Yes You Do