7 Lessons from Jim Carrey to Never Stop Believing

The actor with the most amazing smile. Jim Carrey and his life can teach so much to never stop believing in your dreams. Let's find out how he became that person.

Jim Carrey says out of fear we avoid things we should do. We have to decide how much fear plays a role in our lives and what we do as for living.

Overcome Fear

Overcome Fear


Daily, people fail at doing what they don't want to do. Therefore, we should try to fail at what we love to do. Maybe it can become a turning point.

Fail Doing What You Love

Fail Doing What You Love


Jim says, "Risk being seen in all of your glory." When you try to be yourself, you explore yourself better. You work at your full potential that helps you succeed.

Be Yourself

Be Yourself


In life, bad things can happen at any moment. To help yourself, Jim suggests you should be creative. Write, colour, dance or whatever will help you overcome and start again.

Be Creative

Be Creative


If you don't know what you want, how would you receive it? Jim, wrote a $10 million check to himself and, after 7 years, received it. Ask, work and receive.

Ask the Universe to Receive

Ask the Universe to Receive


Be true to your purpose and dreams. Never give up, never give in, yet remember that nothing remains the same whether you are at the bottom or top of the hill.

Nothing Is Permanent

Nothing Is Permanent


Jim says, “If you aren’t in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret.” To achieve your dreams, work for them in the present.

Be Present

Be Present


How to Do Something or Anything?

White Dotted Arrow
White Dotted Arrow

I Don’t Know What To Do With My Life – Yes You Do