10 Quotes to Overcome Fear of Failure


"Failure is a part of the process. You just learn to pick yourself back up."

"Failure is a part of the process. You just learn to pick yourself back up."

Michelle Obama


“He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.”

“He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.”

Napoleon Bonaparte


“Don’t think about the possibilities of failing. Never forget to think about the possibilities of flying.”

“Don’t think about the possibilities of failing. Never forget to think about the possibilities of flying.”

Debasish Mridha


“Regret Is the Heritage of People Who Choose to Live a Fear-Driven Life.”

“Regret Is the Heritage of People Who Choose to Live a Fear-Driven Life.”

Taneka Rubin


“I Can Accept Failure. Everyone Fails at Something. But I Can’t Accept Not Trying.”

“I Can Accept Failure. Everyone Fails at Something. But I Can’t Accept Not Trying.”

Michael Jordan


“Failure Is Another Stepping Stone to Greatness.”

“Failure Is Another Stepping Stone to Greatness.”

Oprah Winfrey


“The Fear of Failure Has Sabotaged Many Hopes and Dreams.”

“The Fear of Failure Has Sabotaged Many Hopes and Dreams.”

 RJ Intindola


“Those Who Are Afraid to Fail May Not Deserve to Succeed.”

“Those Who Are Afraid to Fail May Not Deserve to Succeed.”

Nido R. Qubein


“Confidence Is What We Get When We Take Fear, Face It and Replace It.”

“Confidence Is What We Get When We Take Fear, Face It and Replace It.”

Tim Fargo


“The Secret of Life Is to Fall Seven Times and to Get Up Eight Times.”

“The Secret of Life Is to Fall Seven Times and to Get Up Eight Times.”

Paulo Coelho

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