10 Life Lessons That Made Barry Hearn a Millionaire

Barry Hearn OBE made drastic changes to the sporting events and revolutionised how people think about snooker, darts, golf and more. Let’s see how he did it.

Hearn believes that it's better to be born lucky than good looking. Without a bit of luck, you can't succeed in life.

It's Good to Be Lucky

It's Good to Be Lucky


By telling the truth, you save yourself from many lies. It also keeps bad people away from you and becomes easier for you to succeed.

Tell the Truth

Tell the Truth


Working hard is important, but don't forget to have fun. Barry Hearn OBE values a few smiles along the way.

Have Fun

Have Fun


If you're not disciplined, you're not going to work right for your goals. Thus, you won't be able to achieve them and see no success.

Work Ethics

Work Ethics


If you don't think poor, you'll not be able to provide the service to your customers. Value yourself and your customers, and never be shy to ask for the right price.

Think Poor

Think Poor


Barry Hearn believes that pressure is only felt by those that fail. If you want to succeed, go beyond pressure and give your best.

Don't Feel Pressure

Don't Feel Pressure


Not thinking for the long term will beat you very early. If you're clear with your vision, it becomes exciting to work for your dreams.

Think Long Term

Think Long Term


People are different; therefore, you shouldn't treat your ideas or values the same as other people. Do your best and become the person you want to be.

Everyone Is Different

Everyone Is Different


When born, there are smiles everywhere, but in the end, we all see tears. Hence, don't regret or spend time thinking over the past.

Life Ends In Tears

Life Ends In Tears


Every person goes through different stages where you need to think for yourself, family, people, community, nation and the world. Everywhere you are, do your best.

Enjoy Different Stages of Life

Enjoy Different Stages of Life


How to Do Something or Anything?

White Dotted Arrow
White Dotted Arrow

I Don’t Know What To Do With My Life – Yes You Do